Specimen HealthCert

A HealthCert is a digital certificate based on schema and standards provided by Singapore’s Ministry of Health, which certifies that an individual was tested for COVID-19 and obtained a ‘negative’ result. Use this form to create a free specimen HealthCert instantly, by email. Aside from the link to your certificate, the email will also include instructions on certification verification.
By completing this simple form you are providing data which is going to personalize the certificate. After submitting, you will receive an email with a link to the certificate, which you can forward to your hero by email, phone message or social media.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Certificate produced using NextCertâ„¢ with support from NextID Pte Ltd and Zilliqa Research Pte Ltd
Privacy Policy: NextID will not use your email address for any purpose other than to supply your certificate. We will not share your data with anyone.